About Me
Winnipeg-born Mary Mikawoz has loved architecture, painting, and illustrating her own stories since kindergarten. Her father was an artist-photographer; a high-school teacher influenced her to experiment with abstraction. Mary has moved around Canada a lot, taking a Political Science degree, later qualifying as a new media specialist and earning a teaching degree. She has had jobs as social worker, federal civil servant, staff development officer, and teacher. Mary has put this varied experience to good use running her own company, Majestic Productions, which offers graphic design, photography and photo restoration, and website design. Mary says she’s friendly and personable. “I like beauty and powerful art. Art is everything to me,” she adds. Currently, Mary produces abstract art in coloured India ink with nib pens, or in acrylic on canvas. Colourful swirling curves and sharp angles predominate, implying time, movement, and change. She allows her favourite music to influence her as she works. She also does photography, especially telephoto images of nature and wildlife subjects, many of which she has patiently stalked near her cottage close to Little Deer on Lake Winnipeg. Uniquely, she digitally combines her several genres, deepening the meaning and mood of her photos by incorporating abstract drawings into the composition. “In these pieces, the photo shows a static moment in time,” Mary explains, “while the addition of the abstract drawing reflects another, more dynamic and enigmatic aspect of the same subject.” https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/mary-mikawoz.html